Santa Claus for hire Dallas, Plano, Frisco McKinney & North Texas
Santa Personalized Video Messages

How would you like to have a Pre-recorded Personalized Video for your child or grandchild as a keepsake to commemorate a special occasion? Santa Eric is available throughout the year. Maybe to encourage your child to do their homework and chores or maybe you have a new addition to the family and the older child is needing some special attention to remind them that they are still very important. After all they are now not only a big brother or sister but their parents also need their help more than ever. How about Santa calling to wish them a Happy Birthday or congratulating them on an accomplishing a goal in sports, dance, piano recital , their grades or behavior, the list is never ending.
Just contact Santa Eric with the child’s name, age, best friends name, special interest, school grade, favorite teacher, favorite subject in school, what they want for Christmas or any other information you want Santa to discuss on the video to ensure a great memory that will last forever.
$40.00 first 15 minutes or part thereof